Monday, October 25, 2010

The Book of Rachelle

My being can not bear
The absence of your presence
My heart not broken
Weeps one thousand tears
It is lonely with you not here.
An eternity in a minute
Does not compare
As slowly time creeps by
Yet I do not feel despair
Knowing how you love me.
Where ever you are
I am with you
My spirit is there.

My lips are dry
My tounge unsatisfied.
I would taste you
Every night.
With rapture and delight
Embrace you all the while.
Snuggle close and tight
Your hot mouth pressed
Next to mine.
Deep inside you
For all time.
Your flesh, a god gift
Perfect and right.

I will worship at your alter.
Drink from the font of your pleasure.
I will sing your song for all time.
Thy hymn is eternal, devine.
What angel brought me this treasure?
May its' luster last forever.
This ancient love of mine.
So simple and sublime.

The sun sets
Shining on the silent
Red sentinals
Watching you and I
As monarchs circle by.
And leaping high
In the gloaming time,
Earths children also
Scamper by.
While the lady of love
Spreads her undieing light.
And folds us up in her
Sacred night.
Well another day gone and another day closer to you.
Oh what ever is the plan? Oh what shall we do?
With the moon almost new.
And it cold enough to make frost of the dew.
Honey fermented into mead
Is not half as sweet
As a kiss from thee.
The drink of poetry
Pales when our lips meet.

Odin gave his left eye
And on that tree he died.
We can ease his grief
Bring eternal peace
To you
And me
With a simple kiss of belief.

And if it doesn't always rhyme a right.
I'll just grin and apologize.
But look to the middle of the lines
For the same sounds said together
and an indication of some meter.
Usually they are rather silly.
And improvised willy-nilly
With nary a thought
For substance or plot.
Though never as long
As Solomons song,
They may be vauge and obscure.
So please my dear
Take a deep breathe and endure.


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